Steps to becoming a USA Certified Official for Stroke and Turn:

  1. Register on the USA swimming site as a Volunteer or Parent. Go here
  2. Attend a clinic and bring checkbook, you need to register with USA swimming as a non-athlete member: $70
    1. Please attend the SMST clinic
    2. Becoming a non-athlete member of USA swimming is also required for being a Chaperone, Meet Director, Meet Manager, etc.
  3. Take the online test
    1. This might sound intimidating but really it isn't.  You are able to download the test, use the rule book to find the answers and then once you have all the answers offline you then just go back online to fill it in. 
    2. Review this link for more details
  4. Complete a criminal background check
    1. This is an online process that completes in 3-5 days and is $36.50
  5. Take the Athlete Protection Training
    1. This is an online training course, no cost
  6. Work as a trainee for 6 sessions
    1. A session is not a meet, for example, at the Gobbler there are 5 sessions (Friday evening, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon)
    2. During these training sessions you will work with an official and shadow them when they work.
    3. Typically as a stroke and turn official you work based on time and the duration is dependent on the # of officials that are there to help, meaning the more officials that show the shorter the time.

Once those steps are completed you are then a carded official to help our team meet our official requirement when we host and attend meets.

Thanks in advance for considering becoming an official to help support Sierra Marlins and please let our Officials Committee Coordinators Ricardo Allen [email protected] or Ivan Herrera [email protected]  know if you have any questions

Additional Documents

USA Swimming Officials Page

Use this page to access all the up to date information related to the most current Rule Book, Athlete protection, background checks, uniforms, etc.

Sierra Nevada Officials Page

Use this page to access information posted by the Sierra Nevada Officials Chair, Bill Rose.

Steps to order a SNS Name Tag:

  1. Go to Hasty Awards and place an order
    1. The cost of 1 name tag is $5.95, which includes shipping and handling

Steps to order a white polo shirt with the SNS Logo:

  1. Review the Lands' End catalog and find your shirt, size, and color
  2. Call Lands' End Business outfitters at 1-800-663-2193
  3. Place order for the items you want and ask for logo# 1146603W