Required volunteer hours increased for the 2023 - 2024 season

Dan Greaves

Dear Neptune Families,


What a great first day back in the water.  The energy and excitement was amazing.  It’s going to be a great year of swimming in Sonoma County!!

Last year we hosted 6 events at the JC and we are so thankful and appreciative of all the parent support of Neptune Swimming.  Hosting events allows for our membership to participate in high level swim competitions closer to home - avoiding having to travel and pay for all the things that come from travel meets. Due to the higher number of events we are committed to hosting at our home pool, we are in need of even more volunteer support.  So effective this season, we have modified our parent volunteer requirements to assist us in providing top level competitions at home.

2023 - 2024 season


Neptune Hosted Meets or events: 24 hours required 


Timing at away meets: 12 hours required


Unfulfilled hours by not volunteering: $35 an hour 


We are always in desperate need of stroke & turns officials.  When you become an official, your volunteer hour requirements are waived, you earn credit towards your monthly dues and you are an integral part of us running these swim meets.  The more officials we can get, the more events we can host.  If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to our Officials Liaison Daniel Phelps at [email protected] 

Thank you for your support & GO NEPTUNES!!