Our competitive swim team exists to benefit all children who show an interest in training and competing. Our program meets the needs of the novice competitive swimmer to State Champions and National Qualifiers. Staff provide swimmers the opportunity to excel through a structured, encouraging, and supportive environment. Success is the result of a solid foundation of the fundaments of proper stroke technique and balanced workouts.

Children are placed into one of five different levels, based on age and ability. In order to be on the swim team, the swimmer must have an active YMCA membership. If you have questions about which level your swimmer should register for, please contact Nicole Wenger at  [email protected]

*It is National Y-USA policy that in order to be on the team, your child must have an active YMCA membership.


Novice  Approximate New Swimmers

This group serves as a bridge between basic swim lessons and competitive swimming. Instructors will be in the water with the swimmers. Swimmers will focus on the very basics of the four competitive strokes, as well as starts (dives), turns, and finishes. Having fun is the most important part of this group! All new swimmers must pass through this group to be placed in a practice level. Swimmers in this group do not participate in swim meets.

Novice will run through Monroe Summer School program June 10th - July 26th, Monday - Friday, 2-3pm,

Please register through the Monroe School District by April 14th, registration books available here: Books can be found in all school offices or click here to view online. 


Level 1 : Approximate Ages 5-8

Must be able to swim a full 25 meters of all four strokes, freestyle, backstroke and butterfly continuously. Swimmers will continue to develop all four competitive strokes, as well as starts (dives), turns, and finishes with less in water instruction.  This group will compete in swim meets and swim in 25 meter races.

Level 2 : Approximate Ages 7-10

Must be able to swim a full 50 meters of freestyle and backstroke continuously and 25 meters of Breaststroke and Butterfly. In level 2 Swimmers will continue to develop strokes and skills, working towards being able to complete a strong 100 IM.  Swimmers are also introduced to some specific ‘swim skills’ such as reading a clock, understanding basic sets, etc. This group can compete in meets and focuses on 25 and 50 meters and training for 100 meter races.

Level 3 : Approximate Ages 9-11

Must be able to swim all four strokes legally for 50 meters; specifically a 100 IM and perform legal turns. Swimmers should be able to swim longer distances and more frequently. This level is where the commitment to the sport of swimming begins. Level 3 will have a continued emphasis on strokes, skills, and technique, but within the context of longer practices and sets.  Competition is emphasized more than in younger groups. This group will compete in 50, 100, 200 and start training for longer distances such as 500 meters.

Level 4 : Approximate Ages 10-13

Must have four legal strokes and turns and have swim times that are within the 9-10 state standards to be able to swim in this level. In level 4 we will work to increase consistency in training and competition while still refining stroke, turn and start techniques. This group will start to transition away from 50 meter races and compete in longer races such as 100 and 200 meters. They will also start training for mid to long distance races such as 500 up to 1650 meters. 
State Standard Times: 
Girls 9yr: 50 Free 37.99Y , 50 Back 43.99Y, 50 Breast 43.99Y, 50 Fly 44.49Y
Boys 9yr: 50 Free 42.19M , 50 Back 48.82M, 50 Breast 56.40, 50 Fly 49.49

Level 5 : High Schoolers

This group is for high school or senior swimmers who are experienced swim team members. They perform strong, efficient strokes. They also have the physical strength to endure the distance expected at this level. Focus in this group is on technique efficiency, training intensity and strength conditioning. This group will compete in the open class and race lengths are 100, 200, 500 up to 1650 meters.