Championship Meets / Time Standard Meets
There are meets that a swimmer must achieve a minimum time in an event to participate in the meet. If
and when your child qualifies for one of these meets, it is important that you give them the opportunity
to participate. Midwest Regionals, State, Zones, KMSC Pro-AM, and Nationals are examples of
Championship / Time Standard Meets. These meets are a reward for significant hard work. They are
exciting because of location and level of competition. Participation helps a swimmer develop an identity
as a high-level athlete (self-perception is very important), helps a swimmer develop future
goals and aspirations and especially in team travel events, helps a swimmer develop
relationships and bonds with other high achieving athletes (this tends to be very important too).


Click the meet name to view the Time Standards for that meet.

Time Standard / Championship Meet Schedule
Date Meet Location
May 2nd-5th 18 & Under Spring Cup Elkhart, IL
May 11th-12th SSTY Distance/Sprint Brown Deer, WI
May 31st-June 2nd Jack Pettinger Invite Madison, WI
June 15th-23rd US Olympic Team Trials Indianapolis, IN
July 26th-28th 12 & Under State Brown Deer, WI
July 30th- August 3rd YMCA Nationals Ocala, FL
August 1st-4th 13 & Over State Pleasent Prairie, WI