Volunteers Needed!
Each member family is required to fulfill volunteer hours, which helps keep our skaters on the ice. Volunteer hours are per skating year which is July through June (same as USFSA membership).
Primary and introductory members are required to fulfill 15 hours of volunteer time.
Associate members are required to fulfill 10 hours.
Learn to Skate members do not have volunteer requirements unless their skater participates in one of the events listed below in additional volunteer requirements.
There are additional volunteer requirements if your skater participates in High School Team, synchronized skating, annual ice show, camps, test sessions, and competitions hosted by Timberline.
Membership volunteer hours can consist of:
-Rink monitoring at private ice sessions. This entails:
- Verifying skaters on the roster.
- Ensuring no more than 18 skaters are on the ice.
- Walk on skaters are to be added (if there is space for walkons) to the roster.
- Money collected from walk on skaters and documenting skaters as paid.
- Playing music as needed for skaters.
- Completing injury report if a skater is injured while skating. First aid kit is in storage cabinet at Greenheck and in the office at Marathon Park.
-When your skater is not involved in a special event listed above you can sign up for maximum of 3 hours of Volunteer spots at annual ice show, high school team events, synchronized skating events, camp/test sessions, and competitions. Skaters enrolled in these events do have first choice as they have volunteer requirements to participate in these events.
-If your skater is involved in a special event listed above, you can sign up for an additional 3 hours once all required skater spots have been filled to count toward your annual volunteer fulfilment.
A charge of $15.00 per hour will be billed for unfulfilled volunteer hours. You can opt out by paying the appropriate amount based on membership type. There are volunteer buyouts on the website if you choose not to physically volunteer.
If you miss 5 minutes or more of the volunteer spot you signed up for a determination will be made by the Board if that volunteer hour will count toward your total volunteer hours completed. The determination will be made based on number of skaters on the ice.
You can volunteer for additional hours, for every 5 additional volunteer hours worked, your skater can receive one hour of ice time. If it appears that an individual is blocking other volunteers who need to fulfill their requirements these additional hours will not be counted toward “extra” volunteer hours.
You may opt out of volunteer hours by paying $225 for Full & Introductory memberships. Associate members must pay $150 to opt out.
Thank you for your support!