Thank You Moms!

Patricia Margosian Terrell

Before we are even born, we experience the wonders of swimming with our moms--feeling weightless, safe, and tranquil. Then we are taken to "Mommy and Me" swim programs where we learn to trust ourselves more, become more comfortable, and take those first strokes.

As athletes sometimes we forget all that our parents (especially our moms) do in support of us. The financial and time commitment; motivating us on those days we just don't want to practice.

With an outdoor year-round swim team they: freeze, get blown away, are more wet sometimes then their swimmers, and burn up when waiting outside during practice. They wrap us in towels when we are done and as we grow, they ensure that we have those awesome parkas and all the necessary gear. Sore muscles, chlorine, wet towels and seats, and more...they attend to all the things big and little that support us.

So as we head into Mother's Day next week, we just wanted to take a moment to express our admiration for all the moms (and the dads too, but your time is next month) for supporting our swimmers and our Frogs Swim Team.