On Labor Day Remember to Thank Your Body

Patricia Margosian Terrell

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Labor Day "is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being."

How does this relate to competitive swimming? Easy. As athletes, we very much rely on our bodies; they work hard all day bearing the brunt and continue to often push through pain and exhaustion. Our bodies do amazing things and very rarely, unless we are sick or injured, do we actually take stock in their difficult plight and appreciate all they do for us. So, on Labor Day while we celebrate the American workers let us also take this time to thank our bodies .

This is a great time to teach your athlete to consciously take inventory and thank their bodies for all the hard work they do for us each day in helping us achieve our goals, dreams, in performance (getting through school, P.E., playing with friends, beating illnesses, and making it through each practice and competition, etc.), and how it will be working over the course of the next year of swimming--stretched and pushed past what it has ever done before. Aside from our spirit, our bodies are our most valuable tool. Please take a moment and teach your swimmer to actually thank their bodies.

Don't think that taking a day off because our pool is closed is a bad thing. Instead, treat your body. Take a nap and allow your body the rest it so deeply needs and desires to re-energize. Do something that makes you happy and take some time for yourself (read a book, play a game, watch a show, etc.). Listen to your body and stretch, get a massage, or rest as needed. Look around for different ways to have more fun swimming outside of practices and team competitions. It can be as simple as just hanging out at your own pool or going to a beach. You can take it up a notch and find community competitions like pier swims. No matter how active you decide to be, this is a time to appreciate your body -- if you do, they will take you far.  

We hope you enjoy the long Labor Day weekend by relaxing and having fun. Please remember that this Monday we are closed due to the holiday. We look forward to working with our well rested and re-energized swimmers at their regularly scheduled practices starting again Tuesday.