OKOTOKS MAVERICKS SWIMMING offers training and practice groups for swimmers of all ages and ability levels.

It is the goal of OKOTOKS MAVERICKS SWIMMING to offer age specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of their abilities.

Please contact Kristi Kohn (Membership/Registrar) at [email protected] for further information.

Please see below a brief outline for each group for the 2024-2025 season. 


for group placement & group movement

  • Race Speed: Best times in comparison to age group time standards.
  • Work Ethic: Dedication, effort in training and consistency.
  • Mental Toughness: Ability to handle pressure, stay focused and overcome setbacks.
  • Coachability: Willingness to learn, take feedback and improve.
  • Technique: Stroke mechanics and technique in relation to age group
  • Attitude: Positive mindset, team work and sportsmanship.
  • Attendance: Swimmers must have a minimum 80% attendance for both practices and competitions.
  • Injury History: Frequency and severity of past injuries and recovery capabilities.
  • Growth and development: Emotional and physical maturity


Pre-CompetitiveThis group will be invited to swim one (1) competition at our home hosted Maverick Madness Competition in February (Based on swimmer readiness and coach discretion)

This is a 30/45 minute, 2 practice per week introductory pre-competitive program for the swimmer who is able to swim a minimum of 10-15m of the pool non-stop and unassisted.  The group is focused on stroke, skill development and an introduction to the competitive sport of swimming.  The group is primarily for swimmers aged 5 & 6 years old, but not limited to.


Workout Days/Times: 

Rookies 1 – Wednesday 4:00-4:45pm (Leah) & Sunday 9:15-10:00am (Leah)

Rookies 2 – Wednesday 4:45-5:30pm (Leah) & Thursday 5:00-5:30pm (Carson)



Intro to Competitive Swimming - This group will be invited to compete in a minimum of 3 competitions for the season (based on swimmer readiness and coach discretion)  Our 2 home hosted competitions - Jack Frost in November and Maverick Madness in February and one other Junior meet to be determined by coaches (based on coaches discretion and swimmer readiness)

This is a 60 minute, 2 practices per week program for the swimmer who is able to swim a minimum of 25 meters of the pool non-stop and unassisted. This program builds on the skills developed in Rookies as well as introduces new components of the competitive sport.   This group is primarily for swimmers aged 6-8 years old, but not limited to.


Workout Days/Times: 

Waves 1 – Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm (Carson) & Thursday 5:30-6:30pm (Carson)

Waves 2 – Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm (Leah) & Sunday 8:00-9:00am (Leah)


Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in at least one (1) competition per month which will include our two (2) home hosted competitions - Jack Frost & Maverick Madness as well as the Fundamental Circuit Competitions.  

This is a 3 times per week program for the swimmer who is able to swim a minimum of 25-50 metres of the pool non-stop, primarily for swimmers aged 6-8 years but not limited to.  This group builds on the skills developed in Waves.  Swimmers must have an attendance of 80% for practices to remain eligible for the team.

Breakers Coach: JULIA HARRIS

Workout Days/Times: Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm, Friday 5:00-6:00pm & Saturday 6:00-7:00am


Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in at least one (1) competition per month which will include our two (2) home hosted competitions - Jack Frost & Maverick Madness as well as the Fundamental Circuit Competitions. 

This is a 3 times per week program for the swimmer who is able to swim a minimum of 50-75 metres of the pool non-stop, primarily for swimmers aged 7-9 years but not limited to.  This group builds on the skills developed in Breakers. 

Rogues Coach: ROBYN WATT

Workout Days/Times: Monday 4:00-5:00pm; Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm; Saturday 7:00-8:00am


Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in at least 1 competition per month to include our two (2) home hosted competitions - Jack Frost, Maverick Madness & Mavs LC Tsunami as well as the Fundamental Circuit Competitions.  Based on coach discretion and swimmers readiness, swimmers will also be invited to any open invitational 2-3 days competitions (& Team Travel) including the Swim Alberta Festival competitions (if qualified) and this group will also be invited to attend our Bi-Annual Rocky Mountain Training Camp (Next one will be Spring, 2025)

This group swims 60 minutes, 4 times a week. The program runs from September until end of June.  This group is primarily for swimmers 8-11 years old but not limited to. These swimmers will be swimming approximately 1000-1300 meters per practice and furthering their technical skills in all 4 strokes, starts and turns, as well as underwater advantage. These swimmers are working towards Festival qualifying standards for 10U Girls & 11U Boys.   

Jaws Coach: ROBYN WATT

Workout Days/Times: Monday 5:00-6:00pm; Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm; Thursday 6:30-7:30pm & Saturday 6:00-7:00am



Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in at least 1 competition per month to include our two (2) home hosted competitions - Jack Frost, Maverick Madness & Mavs LC Tsunami as well as open invitational 2-3 days competitions (& Team Travel) including our Swim Alberta Festival or Swim Alberta Provincial Trials competitions (if qualified) and this group will also be invited to attend our Bi-Annual Rocky Mountain Training Camp (Next one will be Spring, 2025)

This group swims 4 days per week with 60-90 minute sessions. The program runs from September until end of June and is primarily for swimmers aged 9-11 years but not limited to. These swimmers will be swimming approximately 1200-3500 meters per practice and developing aerobic excellence, furthering their technical skill in all 4 strokes as well as underwater advantage. These swimmers are working towards achieving their Festival or Provincial qualifying standards.  Swimmers are expected to attend all meets when invited.   


Workout Days/Times: Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm; Thursday 6:00-7:30am; Friday 4:00-5:00pm; Saturday 7:00-8:30am)



Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in at least 1 competition per month to include our 2 home hosted competitions - Jack Frost, Maverick Madness & Mavs LC Tsunami aswell as open invitational 2-3 days competitions (& Team Travel) including Swim Alberta Provincial Trials competitions (if qualified) and this group will also be invited to attend our Bi-Annual Rocky Mountain Training Camp (Next one will be Spring, 2025)

This group swims 60-90 minutes, 4 times per week. This group is primarily for swimmers aged 10-12 years’ old but not limited to. These swimmers are working towards achieving Provincial qualifying standards.  These swimmers will be working towards aerobic excellence, furthering their technical ability in all 4 strokes, the individual medley, as well as working on an underwater advantage. We will also be focusing on fast swimming and racing within practice. Swimmers are expected to attend all meets when invited and it is mandatory, they attend all provincial competitions if they qualify.

Swimmers will be expected to attend team travel meets when invited. 


Workout Days/Times: Tuesday 4:00-5:30pm; Thursday 5:00-6:30pm; Friday 6:00-7:30am; Saturday 9:00-10:30am.



Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in at least 1-2 competitions per month to include our home hosted competitions as well as open invitational & Team Travel including Swim Alberta Provincial Trials competitions (if qualified). This group will also be invited to attend our Bi-Annual Rocky Mountain Training Camp (Next one will be Spring, 2025)

This group swims 60-120 minutes, 5 times per week, with 1 dryland session.  

This group is primarily for swimmers 13 and over (but not limited to) who are working towards achieving provincial time standards for their age group. (Short or Long course) 

Swimmers in this group are required to be technically proficient in all 4 strokes. Swimmers will be swimming approximately 2000-4000 meters per practice and working towards aerobic excellence, furthering their technical ability in all 4 strokes and the individual medley, as well as working on underwater advantage. We will also be working on fast swimming/racing in practices. 

Swimmers are expected to attend all meets when invited.

Swimmers will be expected to attend team travel meets when invited. 

Swimmers will be expected to maintain a minimum of an 80% attendance for practices and competitions to retain their place in the group.

Swimmers are required to meet ONE of the following qualifying options to move to the Mavericks Provincial group.

  • 3 or more Provincial Trials times of any distance or stroke 
  • 1 Provincial Trials time for Females aged 15O or Males aged 16O.

Mavs Prov. & Mavs Dev. will work fluidly and in tandem to maximise the swimmer’s potential.

Mavs Dev, Coach: ABBY KNOX 

Workout Days/Times:  Tuesday 5:00-6:30pm (plus strength training 4-5pm); Wednesday 6:00-7:30am; Friday 4:00-5:00pm; Saturday 6:00-8:00am; Sunday 8:00-9:30am.



Highly Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in approximately 2 competitions per month to include our home hosted competitions  as well as open & qualifying invitationals & Team Travel meet  including mandatory attendance for Swim Alberta Provincial Trials or Championship competitions (if qualified). This group will also be invited to attend our out of country training camp (Next one will be Spring, 2025)

This group swims 60-120 minutes, 6 times per week, with 2 dryland sessions.  

This group is primarily for swimmers for boys 13 & over and girls 12 & over.

Swimmers are required to meet ONE of the following qualifying options for this group.

  • 3 or more Provincial Trials times of any distance or stroke 
  • 1 Provincial Trials time for Females aged 15O or Males aged 16O.

When Swimmers age up and lose their Provincial Trials times, they have the remainder of the season to re-achieve them to retain their place in the group.  If they do not re-achieve their Provincial Trials times in their new age group by the end of the season, they will move to the Mavericks Development group for the next season.  Swimmers with a late birthday in the season (June, July, August) that may lose their qualifying times can retain their place in the group for the following season.

If there is space available, swimmers who do not meet the qualification options MAY be considered based on coach discretion and our Key Performance Factors.

Mavs Prov. & Mavs Dev. will work fluidly and in tandem to maximise the swimmer’s potential.

Swimmers in this group are required to be technically proficient in all 4 strokes. Swimmers will be swimming approximately 2000-4000 meters per practice and working towards aerobic excellence, furthering their technical ability in all 4 strokes and the individual medley, as well as working on underwater advantage. We will also be working on fast swimming/racing in practices. 

Swimmers are expected to attend all meets when invited.

Swimmers will be expected to attend team travel meets when invited. 

Swimmers will be expected to maintain a minimum of an 80% attendance for practices & competitions to retain their place in the group.

Mavs Prov. Coach – ABBY KNOX

Workout Days/Times: Monday 6:00-7:30am; Tuesday 5:00-7:00pm (plus strength training 4-5pm) Thursday 6:00-7:30am & Thursday 5:30-6:45pm; Friday 5:00-6:00pm; Saturday 6:00-8:00am (& Dryland 8:15-9:15am)



Highly Competitive - This group will be invited to participate in approximately 2 competitions per month to include our home hosted competitions  as well as open & qualifying invitationals & Team Travel meet  including mandatory attendance for Swim Alberta Provincial Trials, Provincial Championships and National competitions (if qualified). This group will also be invited to attend our out of country training camp (Next one will be Spring, 2025)

This is a 75-120 minute, 7 times per week program plus 1 strength and conditioning session and 1 Strength/Yoga session per week for the swimmer who is 13/14 years and over.

Group Qualification requirements:

Swimmers must achieve at least two (2) Alberta Age Group Championship qualififying times or any National qualifying times and show a high level of work ethic and commitment, excellent underwaters and technical ability in all 4 strokes.

One (1) Alberta Age Group Championship time or multiple provincial times MAY be considered if the swimmer shows a high work ethic and commitment, excellent underwaters, technical ability in all 4 strokes, in additon physical and emotional maturity.  (based on Head Coach discretion).

A high level of commitment from swimmers and parents will be expected at this level. These swimmers will be swimming approximately 3,500-5,000 meters per practice.

Swimmers are expected to attend all meets when invited and it is mandatory they attend all Provincial/Championship/National competitions if they qualify.

Please note: Standards for group may change season to season.

Swimmers will be expected to attend team travel meets when invited. 

Swimmers will be expected to maintain a minimum of an 80% attendance for practices & competitions to retain their place in the group.

Performance Coach: EMMA HESTERMAN

Workout days/times: Monday 4:00-6:00pm; Tuesday 6:00-7:30am & 5:00-6:00pm (Strength Training); Wednesday 4:00-5:30pm; Thursday 5:45-7:15am (At Seton pool) & 4:00-5:30pm; Friday 4:00-6:00pm; Saturday 6:00-8:00am & 8:15-9:15am (Strength/Yoga)

