If you would like to purchase one of these informative books for your swimmer, you can contact Abby Knox at [email protected] to order and Abby will arrange to get the book to as soon as possible either in person or via your swimmers' coach.    Payment can be made either by cash or credit card to Abby directly or you can be billed through your family account in the amount of $25.00.

We are excited to announce that our very own MAVERICKS coach Abby Knox has published her first book, Eat Right, Swim Faster.

For those of you who don’t know, Abby is a registered dietitian and accredited sports nutritionist with more than 20 years’ experience. Her book provides swimmers, coaches and parents with an easy to read guide on sports nutrition specifically for competitive swimmers. It is full of highly practical and very accessible information for swimmers of all ages interested in what food can do for them in their pursuit of maximum performance.

Tom Ponting, three -time Olympic medalist for Team Canada gave the following endorsement for ‘Eat Right Swim Faster’:

“As a parent of a swimmer, I always hated to hear the dreaded question “what should I eat?” Abby has gathered a great deal of information in a format that is easy to understand and use. I really like that Abby is an athlete and coach herself, a swim parent and a registered dietitian, so she understands the theory and the reality of feeding our athletes and ourselves. Nutrition is part of an athlete’s everyday health and a critical part of recovery. Her book is an excellent training and competition resource, complete with typical Q&A and recipes for athletes and their parents.”

FSSC Head Coach, Todd Melton says:

“I am fortunate to coach along side Abby Knox and have experienced first hand her wealth of knowledge. Lucky for us she has worked closely with all our parents so they are educated to know the importance of feeding their swimmers the correct diet. Not only that she educates the chaperones and writes all the menus for our athletes on away meets.

Her information is from the most up to date research on nutrition but makes it easy to follow and implement for any swim family. I can assure you that you are getting an amazing book that will most definitely help your child(ren) be their best both in and out of the pool.”

If you would like to buy a copy of her book, please ask her at the pool or if you prefer to order online, you can purchase the book from Amazon.ca:
