As a member of Team Vortex Swim Club (Vortex), I am part of a swimming organization that embodies the Core Values of Team, Whole Athlete, Competition, Commitment, Quality, and Balance.  Vortex is fortunate to have professional coaches working to develop our children into better swimmers and, more importantly, teaching and instilling valuable life skills.  These skills include time management, self-discipline, and sportsmanship.  Each child will reap the benefits of swimming long after his/her participation with Vortex ends.

The following behavior guidelines state the principles Vortex expects all members to demonstrate and uphold.  Vortex recognizes that it is difficult to document all possible situations and therefore empowers the coaches to discipline for any instances that are disruptive to the productivity of the overall group at practice or meets.

By signing this Code of Conduct, I agree to follow the rules for behavior and sportsmanship while I am a member of Vortex.

I.          PARENTS

  1. Set the right example for our swimmers by showing respect, self-control, and common courtesy at all times to team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents and any property/equipment used during practice or meets.
  2. Respect the integrity of swim officials.  Only coaches may approach officials for clarification of rulings.
  3. Understand that opposing teams, swimmers, coaches, and fans want the same positive experience for their swimmers as we do.  Avoid criticism either verbally or by gesture and look for opportunities to build rapport with other teams.
  4. Demonstrate and promote good sportsmanship during all practices, competitions, and team activities.  Vortex swimmers win gracefully, lose graciously, and congratulate their opponents either way.
  5. Encourage/support your swimmer by helping them to arrive to practices and meets in a timely manner and with the proper equipment.
  6. Recognize that swimmers become easily confused when coached by parents and benefit most from positive reinforcement of the professional coaching staff"s instruction/advice.  Your unconditional love and support before/after races will help them best.
  7. Recognize that Vortex coaches are professionals and allow them to coach your child without interference during practice and meets.  Try to refrain from going down on deck during practices or meets unless you are working.
  8. Support our professional coaches as they strive to do what is best for each Vortex swimmer.  Expectations and training methods are based on USA Swimming, the American Swim Coaches Association, and other recognized swimming authorities.
  9. A parent with concerns should address it with the appropriate coach in private.
  10. Maintain open and honest communication among all members of the Vortex family.  We reach our common goals by working together.
  11. Insist that your child refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, drugs, other prohibited substances, violence, abusive or foul language, inappropriate sexual conduct, or any other behavior deemed dishonest, discourteous, offensive or disrespectful of others.
  12. Trust and support your swimmer's and the coach's decisions regarding goal setting, training commitments, swim event entries and meet schedules. Do not impose your ambitions on your child.
  13. Get involved be an official, work on the board, help plan a fundraiser or a group social activity, find something you enjoy and allows you to use your talents!
  14. Know your role:
    1. Swimmers swim
    2. Coaches coach
    3. Officials officiate
    4. Parents parent

II.         SWIMMERS

NOTE: Swimmers are expected to follow the spirit of the rules as well as the specific rules.  The coach must adapt this philosophy to an infinite number of situations. Swimmers should respect the coach's directions and give their full cooperation.  Cooperation with teammates and staff will result in productive practice and competition environments for everyone.

  1. Swimmers must remember that they are representing Vortex at all practices, swim meets, and team activities and should do so with excellence, respect, team spirit, good sportsmanship, and politeness.  This behavior must be shown to fellow swimmers, coaches, competitors, officials, parents and toward all facilities and property/equipment used during practices, competitions, or team activities.
  2. Swimmers must follow the directions of any member of the coaching staff at all times and must also respect the instructions of any official or chaperone.  Disrespect or failure to obey instructions will not be tolerated from any athlete.
  3. Swimmers should arrive on time and ready to begin for all practices, competitions, or team events.
  4. Swimmers must notify a member of the coaching staff if they are planning to leave practice or swim meets early.
  5. Swimmers are expected to wear a Vortex team cap at all swim meets.
  6. Swimmers should be active participants at all team practices, competitions, fundraising events and other team activities.
  7. Focus on every drill and every set.  Be committed to putting forth your best effort every day.  An honest effort does not include cutting laps, pulling on lane lines or missing send-offs/sets.
  8. Disruption of practice by an athlete will be grounds for removal.  Continual cheating in a practice is considered a disruption of practice.
  9. Because coaches are there to help swimmers, swimmers are expected to pay attention and follow all of the coach's instructions completely and exactly.  If any clarification is needed, they should ask questions politely.
  10. Swimmers must use appropriate language, profane language or obscene gestures will not be tolerated.
  11. Dishonesty, theft, and/or vandalism will not be tolerated.
  12. There shall be no drinking of alcohol or use of tobacco products, illegal drugs, or any substances banned by USA Swimming.
  13. Fighting, intentional touching, or striking another athlete or adult will subject the swimmer to the most severe discipline.


Vortex coaches have the authority to impose the following penalties for violation of the Vortex Code of Conduct.  The penalties include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. The swimmer will be given a verbal warning
  2. The swimmer will be pulled out of practice in addition to a verbal warning and the coach will contact a parent.
  3. A parent will accompany the swimmer to practice for four (4) consecutive days.
  4. If bad behavior continues, a swimmer will be suspended for one (1) week (there will be NO prorated fee for monthly dues) and will not be allowed to attend any practice, meet, fundraiser or team activity that occurs during the period of suspension.
  5. If bad behavior further continues, the swimmer and at least one parent will meet with the Coach and a Board member to discuss the swimmer's further participation on the team.

Please note, the sanction action taken is at the discretion of the coaches.  Depending on the seriousness of the infraction by the swimmer, the sanction may be more severe than a mere warning.

I agree that I have reviewed the Team Vortex Swim Club Code of Conduct with the registered athlete and the athlete understands the Code of Conduct and I (parent/guardian) and the swimmer agree to abide by the Code and to accept any penalties for infractions committed.