The Meriden Silver Fins Mission Statement is to ensure a safe environment where young athletes can challenge themselves, learn and grow as swimmers, teammates, and people.

The Fins have a simple philosophy;
FAMILY first, SCHOOL second, and SWIMMING third.
If you are already a FIN, you know this well!

We are a competitive swim team that offers programs dedicated to promoting the sport of swimming, providing an enjoyable, team-oriented experience and recognizing each individual's value in his or her role in the success of our team.  Our coaching staff provides each swimmer the opportunity to succeed at their highest level possible.

Our swimmers must demonstrate the following values:

  • Committment to the team
  • Consistent work ethic
  • Mutual respect
  • Positive mental attitude
  • Self-confidence

If you are interested in being a member of the Meriden Silver Fins Swim Team, you must tryout to determine your placement in the proper program. Tryouts are scheduled at the beginning of each season.  However, if the season has already started, please contact us at [email protected] or click on the "Contact Us" button located on the home page above our team logo to schedule an appointment.  We look forward to you joining our team!