Sand Point Country Club
8333 55th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115
- Park in the upper lot if you plan on staying while your swimmer is in the pool. Please do not park and stay in the lower lot adjacent to the pool.
- Swimmers are expected to be picked up immediately after practice. Barring emergencies, please be prompt when picking up your swimmers.
- Please obey the 15 MPH speed limit while in the club and drive extra carefully during transition times and during club events.
- Parents may watch from the upper deck on the south side of the pool. Please do not watch from the putting green on the west side of the pool.
- Swimmers may leave their belongings in the locker room or on the deck. Please do not leave any belongings in the lobby as it is a high traffic area.
- We ask that parents stay off of the deck during practice unless they are picking up or dropping off a swimmer. If you have questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or find an appropriate time to ask a coach on deck. Accommodations for medical or behavioral reasons are accepted and should be discussed prior to the swimmer starting their practices.
- Remember, we are renters at our facilities and need to treat them with respect. Vandalism and inappropriate behavior in locker rooms or other pool facilities will not be tolerated and will result in consequences for the swimmers involved. Excel has long been regarded as a respectful and positive organization and we would like to maintain that reputation.
Aqua Club
18512 58th Ave NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
Please do not enter or exit the locker rooms through the office door. Coaches need to keep track of who is entering and exiting the facility.
- You may park in the upper or lower lots and wait while your swimmer is in the pool.
- It gets very dark in both parking lots, especially in the winter. Please drive carefully when picking up and dropping off your swimmers.
- Swimmers should be on deck no more than 10 minutes before their practices start.
- Swimmers may leave their belongings on the benches, in the locker rooms, or on the bleachers if the weather permits.
- Parents may watch from the upper deck or from the bleachers during practice.
- We ask that parents stay off of the deck during practice unless they are picking up or dropping off a swimmer. If you have questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or find an appropriate time to ask a coach on deck. Accommodations for medical or behavioral reasons are accepted and should be discussed prior to the swimmer starting their practices.
- Remember, we are renters at our facilities and need to treat them with respect. Vandalism and inappropriate behavior in locker rooms or other pool facilities will not be tolerated and will result in consequences for the swimmers involved. Excel has long been regarded as a respectful and positive organization and we would like to maintain that reputation.
Meadowbrook Pool
10515 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98104
- Park in the main lot and wait for your swimmers in your car, in the lobby, or watch from the bleachers.
- Meadowbrook staff have asked everyone walking on the deck to wear clean, indoor shoes. Coaches and staff all have a specific pair of shoes they wear on deck at meadowbrook to help keep the deck clean.
- Swimmers are asked to take a quick shower before entering the pool.
- Some swimmers may be asked to help put in and remove lanelines. We will need to start to remove the lanelines a couple minutes before the conclusion of the last practice in order to get the pool ready for the next group of users.
- We ask that parents stay off of the deck during practice unless they are picking up or dropping off a swimmer. If you have questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or find an appropriate time to ask a coach on deck. Accommodations for medical or behavioral reasons are accepted and should be discussed prior to the swimmer starting their practices. Meadowbrook is fairly tight so do your best to stay in the bleachers or in the lobby if you’d like to stay in the facility during practice.
- Remember, we are renters at our facilities and need to treat them with respect. Vandalism and inappropriate behavior in locker rooms or other pool facilities will not be tolerated and will result in consequences for the swimmers involved. Excel has long been regarded as a respectful and positive organization and we would like to maintain that reputation.
View Ridge
5815 NE 77th St, Seattle, WA 98115
- Please back into the spaces in the parking lot.
- To enter the pool, the gate code is 24-25-26.
- Parents may watch practice from the bleachers on the east side of the pool.
- We ask that parents stay off of the deck during practice unless they are picking up or dropping off a swimmer. If you have questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or find an appropriate time to ask a coach on deck. Accommodations for medical or behavioral reasons are accepted and should be discussed prior to the swimmer starting their practices.
- Remember, we are renters at our facilities and need to treat them with respect. Vandalism and inappropriate behavior in locker rooms or other pool facilities will not be tolerated and will result in consequences for the swimmers involved. Excel has long been regarded as a respectful and positive organization and we would like to maintain that reputation.