Parents are a vital part of every child’s life. They are central figures in the growth and development of their children. Parents are the primary example after which children pattern their behavior and beliefs. For athletes, especially teenagers, the role of parents may change as others, including coaches, assume a strong role not only in their physical achievements but also in their mental and emotional development. Because coaches and teammates have such a strong impact on a swimmer, parents should fully investigate the philosophy and conduct of the program before registering their child. When a child begins swimming on a team, the parents put their faith in the program and its coaches to make the child’s swimming experience positive, rewarding, and enjoyable. There are ways in which parents can also aid the experience. 

Set a Good Example 

Children tend to pattern their attitudes and behavior after the example set by their parents. Please be aware of your attitudes and behavior, especially in the team setting. Exemplify good sportsmanship and the positive values of the YMCA. The Foothills Area Swim Team program encourages swimmers to be honest, caring, respectful and responsible, to ask questions and address concerns directly and to serve others. Observing these habits in parents further enforces the lessons taught at the YMCA. After all, parents represent the team and the YMCA as much as the swimmers and coaches do. 


Positive Problem Solving 

We ask that parents reserve concerns and disagreements about the program for discussion with a coach or the swim team director. Questioning or criticizing a coach, team member, or the program in front of a swimmer seriously damages the swimmer’s trust and confidence in the coach and the team. If your swimmer has a problem, try to gather as much information as possible and address it with the coach or appropriate person directly. Avoid passing judgment, jumping to conclusions or discussing it with others. Gossip is never constructive. 

Get Involved 

We invite parents to become involved in the swim team in a constructive way. There are numerous volunteer opportunities that allow parents to be more involved in swimming and in the Foothills Area Swim Team. Swim meets (all meets, but especially those hosted by Foothills Area YMCA) require extensive volunteer efforts to run. Team social events bring parents, swimmers and coaches together in an informal and fun setting. Chaperones are needed for all team travel meets and provide an opportunity to work closely with coaches and swimmers. Help is always needed with apparel orders and distribution, bulletin board maintenance, and in other areas. 


...But not too involved 

Please respect the time your swimmer spends with his or her coach and teammates by not interrupting a coach or swimmer during practice or team activities. During practice times and meets please do not come on deck. (please refer to sections on practices and meets) It is distracting to both swimmers and coaches. Furthermore, please refrain from offering swimming- related instruction to swimmers (your own or others). This is confusing for swimmers and disrespectful to coaches. If you have a question or concern, contact your child’s coach.