Swim Practice

  • If you want a full experience with Ransom Everglades Aquatic Club for your child, we recommend 2-3 practices weekly for beginners and as many as 8 workouts per week for elite-level swimmers. Swimmers who consistently show up to practice typically show more progress.


Swim Meets

  • For our beginning swimmers, we will practice "meet protocol" so they experience a swim meet environment before they begin attending real meets.


  • Swim meets are fun for the kids! They get to hang out with their friends, learn how to win and lose with dignity and participate in relays. Swim meets can be long for parents but are well worth it. 


  • Participants compete in different age groups and meets depending on their achievement level and their age on the first day of the meet. The traditionally recognized age groups are 10-and-under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18. Many local meets feature 8-and-under, single-age groups or senior events. 


  • Swim Meets are important! Swimmers are expected to compete with increasing frequency as they progress through our groups. The schedule for the swim year is typically available in September; we ask families to plan their schedules ahead for swim meets. Once you sign up for a meet, you are responsible for attending the meet. If you are sick, you are still required to pay for the meet.