Swim Team Practice/Training Groups


Ransom Everglades Aquatic Club applies several criteria in determining the best fit for each swimmer. Included are age, current skill level, and commitment to the sport. We recognize that not everyone develops at the same rate, and as such, we seek to allow each young athlete the appropriate space to grow and enjoy their experience in our club and our sport.  If you have a question about group placement, please reach out to our head coach, Franz Huggins: [email protected]


Sailors 1 & 2
Ages: 5-10
Two to Three workouts per week are recommended. Sailors Group 1 is Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sailors Group 2 is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

This is the first point of entry into our team. Swimmers in this group have completed swimming lessons and should be acquainted with all four competitive strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. In the Sailors group, swimmers are learning proficiency in all four competitive strokes through a series of progressive drills that suit the sensibilities of young children. There is no difference in ability between group 1 and group 2, as they are scheduled to provide convenience for our clients. Sailors are expected to participate in practice swim meets at our pool as well as traveling to local swim meets with their teammates in preparation for full competitive swimming.


Explorers Group
Ages: 10-14
Three to Four workouts per week are recommended

The Explorers group recognizes that developing swimming skills happens at different ages for different kids. This group is to help those swimmers transition to Raiders or Bandits depending on their age.

Its focus is on the 10-14 year olds who are still developing their strokes and not yet at the proficiency to train at the level of Bandits or Raiders. Multi-sport athletes may also find this group beneficial as swimming will continue to provide a great endurance base for them.


Pioneers Group
Ages: 8-12
Three to Four workouts per week are recommended  

Our transition group between the Sailors and the Bandits, the formation of Pioneers group recognizes the significant shift from those who have just completed our swim lessons to those who are preparing to become competitive swimmers. 

With this in mind, this is really our Bandits preparation group. It is designed to help the kids learn the skills needed to be in the Bandits group such as reading the clock and learning interval times, in addition to taking on greater challenges than those offered to a child who has just completed swim lessons.


Bandits Group
Ages: 10-12
Four workouts per week are recommended

The first of our competitive groups, the Bandits are learning about the relationship between practicing and competing. The technique is emphasized a lot so as to create complete proficiency in all four strokes. Basic cardiovascular training is introduced to complement the new techniques learned. This is meant to create confidence at swim meets which are more frequently attended by this group than the Sailors.


Raiders Group
Ages: 11-15
4-5 workouts per week are recommended

Designed and structured for swimmers with previous competitive background, the Raiders group forms the bridge between introductory competitive swimmers and our senior level swimmers. Athletes in this group are learning to train and understand what a swimming season (and year) looks like. There is an emphasis on technique, however, at this stage, the volume of work is gradually increased in order to prepare for endurance events at competitions. This group ought to be committed to competing for the club, as their swimming becomes more results driven.

Skills Required For Entrance Into This Group:

  • Proficiency in Streamlines & Kicking (including regular butterfly kicking off of walls)
  • 8x50 Free @ :50
  • 8x50 Kick @ 1:10
  • 12x25 Swim @ :40 (4 Fly, 4 Back, 4 Breast)
  • Ability to complete a 200 IM legally


Ages: 13 and over
4-5 workouts per week are recommended

Everglades is the top Age Group Practice Level. This level is designed for Jr. High and High School age swimmers of Intermediate competitive development and/or commitment to the sport. Everglades is a good fit for those High School age swimmers that play multiple sports and/or who enjoy the sport more socially and for physical activity rather than possessing high level competitive aspirations. Everglades is also for swimmers that may be seasonal swimmers, as opposed to year-round.

Skills Expected For Entrance Into This Group:

  • Proficiency in Streamlines & Kicking (including regular butterfly kicking off of walls)
  • 10x50 Free @ :50
  • 10x50 Kick @ 1:10
  • 12x25 Swim @ :35 (4 Fly, 4 Back, 4 Breast)

Ability to Complete a 200 IM Legally


Performance Group
Ages:  13 and over
Minimum Attendance Requirement: 70%
(Dryland/Strength training takes place on Mon/Weds mornings before school. If these are not attended, swimmers are expected to attend Tues/Thurs PM dryland with Raiders.)

Membership in Performance is earned privilege. Maintaining the required standards and expectations of the group requires both a swimmer and family commitment. Athletes accepted into the Performance Group must display a strong desire to perform at their maximum capacity. Training is designed to develop each individual's skills and will be heavily focused on strong aerobic base, IM and Race Pace with a significant emphasis on kicking. Athletes accepted into the Performance Group must have the ability and desire to meet the physical demands of an advanced training regimen. Athletes in the Performance Group who engage in other activities are expected to balance their commitment to swimming with these activities. Swimmers are not permitted to move in and out of the group multiple times throughout the year.

Skills/Pre-Requisites Required for Entrance into This Group:

Expectations & Requirements:

  • A minimum 70% Practice Attendance is required through SCY & LCM Seasons
    • Morning Practices (Mon/Weds) are optional, however Tues/Thurs PM dryland should be attended if Mon/Weds mornings are not attended.
    • Those playing a Fall Sport will be “excused” from missed practices IF it is communicated to the coaches that the absence was due to Fall Sport participation
    • Absences for High School (& Jr. High) Swim Meets and required school functions for a grade will be excused
  • Swimmers must complete & maintain USA Swimming’s “Safe Sport Training for Minor Athletes” (If 18 – must complete Athlete Protection Training)
  • “Performance” Swimmers are expected to attend and compete in all Team Championship meets for which they qualify, including USA Sectionals & above
  • Not maintaining minimum requirements will result in the swimmer being removed from this group. Swimmers are not permitted to move into and out of the group at will based on personal availability.


Senior Group
Ages:  14 and over
Attendance is expected

Minimum Attendance Requirement: 85%

Membership in Performance is earned privilege. Maintaining the required standards and expectations of the group requires both a swimmer and family commitment. The Senior Group is designed and implemented for fully committed, year-round swimmers who strive to reach their full potential, to compete on a national level, and are also close to a national-time standard. Admittance into this top level group is a privilege that must be earned and maintained. Focus of the group is to ready emerging swimmers for high-level regional and national competition with sights set on eventual collegiate competition. Year-round training and meet attendance are required. Training emphasis is focused on high level endurance, strength, and speed conditioning with technique refinement. Workouts include long and short distances, IM work, interval training, aerobic base development, and preparation for a stronger emotional commitment. Training and performance at this level requires not only the commitment of the athlete, but of the entire family. Swimmers are not permitted to move in and out of the group multiple times throughout the year.

Skills/Pre-Requisites Required for Entrance Into This Group:

  • Swimmers must have achieved at least one USA Swimming "AA" Time Standard
  • Possess both a willingness and ability to provide leadership to the group and the team
  • The physical conditioning required to maintain a rigorous training regimen
    • previous demonstration in “Performance” that the athlete can maintain the required practice attendance
  • Strong Proficiency in All 4 Strokes and All Turns
  • Possess High Performance Goals at the LSC, Regional, and National Level
    • “Senior” Swimmers need to have achieved, at minimum, USA Swimming “AA” Time Standards

Expectations & Requirements:

  • Swimmers must maintain the below expectations year-round through SCY & LCM seasons.
  • A minimum 85% Practice Attendance is required, including morning practices & dryland strength-training sessions, through SCY & LCM Seasons.
  • “Senior” Swimmers are required to attend designated in-season competitions (SCY & LCM)
  • “Senior” Swimmers are required to attend and compete in all scheduled Team Championship meets for which they qualify, including USA Sectionals & above
  • Swimmers must complete & maintain USA Swimming’s “Safe Sport Training for Minor Athletes” (If 18 – must complete Athlete Protection Training)
  • Not maintaining minimum requirements will result in the swimmer being removed from this group. Swimmers are not permitted to move into and out of the group at will based on personal availability.