One of the building blocks of quality competitive swim training is nutrition. Swimmers have long practices and long competitive seasons, which means they need to eat anywhere from 3,000-6,000 calories a day.
1. Eat carbohydrates - If your a competitive swimmer and you consistently feel fatigue then chances are you are not eating enough carbs. Eating energy bars and consuming high carb liquid supplements can help you fulfill the needs of being an elite athlete.
2. Eat at Competitions - Swim meets are often long hours and can be stretched for many days. It's vital to pack several healthy snack foods to be eaten poolside. This will help your body's energy level and prepare you to perform at your best. Some of these snacks include bagels, crackers, honey, and energy bars.
3. Stay Hydrated - Long swim meets and humid weather can lead to dehydration and a lack of performance. Drink plenty of water and sports drinks and keep a water bottle next to the pool and drink 5-10 ounces every 15 to 20 minutes.
The articles in this section outline a variety of tips to help swimmers fuel themselves for training and competition.
AmberJax Keys to Nutrition
Article about Recovery
Top 5 Recovery Snacks for Swimmers
Smart Eating for Swimmers On Race Day
How to Get Young Swimmers to Eat Well
How to Manage Extra Weight in the Young Swimmer