18 & Under World 100s
Florida Swimming
Level 1
Excellence 200

18 Reasons WHY to Swim &


We don't teach lessons. We teach PEOPLE HOW TO SWIM! Here are a few reasons to Learn to Swim.

1.  Swimming helps kids learn to set goals and work to achieve them.
2. Swimmers tend to be academic achievers.
3. Swimming builds confidence and self-reliance.
4. Swimming is the only sport that can save your life.
5.  Swimming is one of the few sports you can do throughout your lifetime.
6. Swimming is the best possible exercise. It works all the body’s muscles and burns the most calories.
7. Swimming makes children better athletes.
8. Having a great relationship with the water opens up a whole host of other water sports and opportunities.
9. Swimming well provides a lifetime of health and fitness.
10. Swimming is the first lessons your child needs. They are the only lessons that could save your child life.
11. A swimming pool is 14 times more likely than a motor vehicle to be involved in the death of a child age 4 and under.
12. 70% of all preschoolers who drown are in the care of one or both parents at the time of drowning. 75% are missing for 5 minutes or less.
13. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children between the age of 1 and 14.
14. 9 people drown in the United States every day.
15. Children aren't the only ones at risk. In 2000, victims ranging in age from 15-44 accounted for 45% of all drowning deaths in the United States.
16. No one is ever drown-proof. However, being able to swim 400 yards continuously lowers the chance of ever drowning exponentially.
17. Being able to swim 400 yards continuously means you can: scuba dive, snorkel, become a lifeguard, compete in triathlons, play water polo, be on a swim team, teach swimming and much more.
18. Learning to swim is an ability, like walking, that is part of growing up.

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