
To offer a competitive swimming program that empowers members of all ages and abilities with the motivation and skills needed to pursue their full potential in and out of the pool while building a foundation for an active, healthy lifestyle.

Who We Are:

The Nittany Lion Aquatic Club (NLAC) is a year-round, competitive swim team offering high quality professional coaching and technique instruction for all ages and abilities serving State College, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. We are a 501 c3 non-profit organization governed by a dedicated Board of Directors and supported by member families.

Core Values:

Courage - We believe it takes courage to dream big and we encourage our athletes to strive for goals that will ignite the passion and enthusiasm within them.

Hard Work - At NLAC, we believe that if something truly means a lot to you, it is worth working hard for and sacrificing to pursue.

Accountability - The NLAC coaches are here to first help each swimmer discover their physical and mental limits and then to push right past them. No one can be expected to do it on their own. Our coaches are there to challenge each individual to be the best they can be.

Ownership - Our athletes are encouraged to claim ownership over the process of pursuing their goals, and consequently, ownership over their own success.

Life Lessons - At NLAC, we believe competitive swimming serves as an outlet for individuals to learn the lessons and acquire the skills they carry with them through life. We want to know that our athletes are better prepared for the challenges life has to offer in part due to their time with our program.

Opportunity - We believe there are opportunities all around us and we encourage our athletes to recognize and seize these opportunities. In addition, we encourage our members to use swimming as a means to open new doors of opportunity such as seeing new places, meeting new people, making new contacts, and getting a quality education.

Community - It takes a community of people for a competitive swim program to be successful and we encourage all people involved with our program, including our swimmers, coaches, parents, board members, sponsors, and all others to embrace the role they play in helping our program succeed in our mission.


In carrying out our mission and embracing our core values, it is our goal to instill in our athletes a life-long love of the sport of swimming and the ability to look back on these integral years of their young lives with fond memories and an overall appreciation for the role their experiences play in their development as people.