The STAR Swim Team, is based out of St. Paul, Minnesota. Founded in 1980, STAR offers year-round programs for competitive swimmers from novice through master levels. Paul and Sue Lundsten lead a staff of dedicated coaches with more than 100 years of coaching experience and the expertise to provide individual attention to swimmers of all ability levels.

Our History

STAR Swim Team began operation in 1980, with the merger of the Roseville Swim Club and St. Paul Swim Club. Both predecessor clubs existed independently for about ten years before they merged. In 1985, the West St. Paul Team joined STAR. The team is based in St. Paul, Minnesota; however members travel from all over the Twin Cities metropolitan area to be a part of STAR.

Our Organization

STAR Swim Team is a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. The team revenue sources are swimmer’s dues, profits from STAR sponsored swim meets and club fundraisers. STAR is a member of USA Swimming and Minnesota Swimming, Inc.

Stability and consistent quality are the hallmarks of STAR’s Coaching Staff. Paul and Sue Lundsten have been with STAR since its inception. They lead a staff of highly skilled and experienced staff of full and part time coaches.

STAR families provide support to the swimmers and the coaches through their participation in team activities including team trips, fundraising and STAR sponsored meets.
The Board of Directors meets once per month and all parents are encouraged to personally attend.

All non-profit organizations depend on elected committees and the strength of their volunteers. STAR is blessed with an extraordinary group of volunteers who devote many hours every month to the welfare of the club and its members.