The misssion of Texas Ford Aquatics is to provide long term competitive swimming and personal development opportunities in a safe and supportive environment for athletes of all ages, abilities, and experience levels.  The safety of all people is our primary concern.  We wish to promote the safe living of our athletes and employees in the facility, on the road, at home, or at play.
It is the primary responsibility of management to insure the health and welfare of all employees through a perpetual awareness of safety, and by applying sound control practices to protect against the sources of injury and illness.
We charge each of our employees with the responsibility of making injury prevention an integral part of their position responsibilities by continually observing safe practices, rules, procedures and methods, and by assisting to identify any hazardous situations.
All of our coaches and instructors are required to maintain all safety training certifications in accordance with USA Swimming, North Texas Swimming, and Red Cross policies.  All of our coaches/instructors are and must maintain Lifeguard certification.

Safe Sport

Safe Sport Reporting

As members of USA Swimming and employees of Texas Ford Aquatics, the coaching staff are mandated reporters. A mandated reporter is a person who, because of his or her profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. These laws are in place to prevent children from being abused and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.

How To Report a Safe Sport Grievance

Club Level:

National Level:



Safe Sport Education

Parent Education- Course Parents Guide to Misconduct in Sport 

Athlete Education- Course SAFE SPORT FOR ATHLETES (Athletes 12-17). 

Athlete Protection- Athlete Protection Training For Athletes 18 and over

Applicable Adult- USA Swimming Applicable Adult and FAQs

Follow this video to access safe sport from the OnDeck app on your phone! 

Follow this video to see if you or your swimmer has completed the Safe Sport Trainings!