Process Overview

  • Families must declare by committing or declining to a meet through the edit commitment function located on each meet page.
  • Families must declare for each meet individually.  There is no ‘select all meets’ option. 
  • Families must declare for ALL their swimmer’s target meets to be entered into any meets. 
    • If a swimmer in undeclared for one or more of their target meets, they will not be entered into any meets.   Coaches will reach out to all families with outstanding meet declarations. 
  • Events will not be available to select.  Coaches will select swimmers’ events after the declaration period has closed.
  • Basic meet information is included in the meet page for a specific meet.  Some meet information has not been published by the host teams yet.  We will update as soon as we have that information. 

How to Declare for a Meet:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to the home page.
  3. Click on a specific meet.
    1. Meet pages can be found through the swim meets tab
    2. You can also find the meets below the main photo of the website
  4. Thoroughly read the meet information located on the meet page (especially whether this meet targets your swimmer’s group).
  5. Click the edit commitment button.
  6. Declare your commitment.
  7. Write any pertinent information in the notes sections (ex. if a swimmer can only attend one day of a multi-day meet write their availability in the notes section). 
  8. Click save (unsaved commitments will show up as undeclared).
  9. Repeat for the remaining target meets for your swimmer.
  10. Important note: if a swimmer has not qualified for a meet yet but would like to attend if they qualify in the future, please commit to that meet.  Do not leave it undeclared.