Registration for the 2023-24 season is now open!

Please visit our Fees page for more information about cost. 

July is summer break and there will be no practices. The new season will begin on August 12, 2024. 

New Swimmers - Sharks & Mermaids and Recreational

Before you register, we need to make sure your swimmer has the skills necessary to begin. If you have not yet taken advantage of one of our FREE tryout classes, please check out our CALENDAR to see upcoming classes or a scheduled tryout session. Email [email protected] to schedule a future tryout session or if you have any questions about your registration.

** Please visit our FREE CLASS page for additional information.

If your swimmer attended the tryout and was approved by a coach to join, please CLICK HERE to register for the Sharks and Mermaids or Recreational team.

Competitive Team Athletes

Returning competitive team athletes and those approved to register for a competitive team (10U+) may now do so for the competitive season running October 1st through June 30th, CLICK HERE


USA Artistic Swimming Registration

If you have not already done so during Preseason, you MUST also register with USA Artistic Swimming. Registration begins August 1st and ends in July of the following year. This Registration is independent from the team registration and it provides insurance benefits while your child is participating in the sport. Please ensure that you select our team when registering, do not select "Unaffiliated", otherwise we will not see you as registered on our admin report. You will also be required to select the correct Grade Level (last LTAD level completed), and uploading a digital copy of the certificate your athlete received for completion. This should have been shared by the coach after completion of LTADs. 


Welcome to our team and see you at the pool!