Volunteering for the Team

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart."

- Elizabeth Andrew


How would a swim meet function without timers? What would a party look like without decorations? What would our team be without our volunteers? Let’s put it this way: Our parent volunteers are the foundation of our team and an important part of its success. Of course, we need swimmers, coaches, and water, but our parent volunteers are a vital part of what makes Ensworth Aquatics great. Every month there will be volunteer opportunities to offer your time and talents to our team.  We encourage you to reach out and help when you can.


Please visit meet landing pages and/or team function pages on our Team Unify website. Select the "Job Signup" button to view available opportunities.

USA Swimming Meet Officials:  Stroke & Turn Judges

Our ability to host great meets in a spectacular facility has not gone unnoticed and the future for Ensworth Aquatics is very bright!  As Coach Bahr said, “we have the opportunity to create a much larger officials base that will not only benefit our athletes but help lessen the load with other parent officials providing all officials a little more flexibility.”  


Becoming an official is not a burden on a parent but a blessing for all of the kids you will impact, whether they are on our team or any other team from our area and beyond.  We truly appreciate the parents to have dedicated their time to becoming an official, and we hope to soon hear from more parents who are willing to do it "for the kids."

If you are at all inspired or encouraged to become an official, we ask that you follow these steps:  


Become a member of USA Swimming

All Officials need to be registered with USA-Swimming. If you are currently registered as a Masters swimmer, we are sorry, you need to register with USA-S in the capacity of Official.  Please contact Cissy Fleet at [email protected],  and she will forward you the unique Ensworth Aquatics Registration link at USA-S. The team covers the cost of your USA-S registration and will credit that amount to your account upon receipt of a copy of your paid registraion invoice from USAS.


Background Check

Initiate Background Check, HERE.  Keep your receipts and submit to Cissy Fleet at [email protected] for reimbursement.


SafeSport Online Course

Once you have your registration information, you can now take the SafeSport online course.  The course will take about 30 minutes.


Concussion Protocol Training

Training can be completed through the NFHS or CDC online courses. Certificates of completion should be forwarded to Cissy Fleet. More information is on the USA Concussion Protocol Page.


On LIne Officiating Test

There is also an on-line test regarding rule and regulations.  


You're Ready to Log Hours

Once completed, you are ready to get started as a USA Swimming Official.  Visit the USA Swimming - Become and Official for more information.   

Our appreciation to all those parents who go through this process is immeasurable.  As questions and concerns arise, please do not hesitate to contact Alex Hughes.


Other Meet Volunteer Opportunities

We have all kinds of ways parents can volunteer!  Be a part of the meet management crew:  Work the Hy-Tek computer, the Colorado, run concessions or hospitality, be a timer!  Some are skilled jobs, some just take people skills.  Whatever your strengths we have a volunteer spot you can jump into. And for every volunteer job available we always want to have three layers of back-up.  What do you get for being a volunteer?  Great seats.  Free food.  Lots of smiles and thank yous.  So please, step in and lend a hand so we can all provide our kids the best racing experience possible.


We're as open to new ideas as we are inviting of eager parents ready to lend a hand. Please bring all your comments, questions, and ideas to Team Administrator, Cissy Fleet, who will enthusiastically connect you with the right opportunity.