Feb 24 & 25 Palo Alto Meet @ Rinconada Pool ASAP!

SOLO Aquatics

SOLO Rocked @ Palo Alto Feb 24 & 25 Meet.

As the meet was just down the street at Rinconada Pool.

We had a few new swimmers give it a try!

A big congratulations to the following swimmers on their events:

Eliza (First Meet!) 25 br & fly, 50 bk

Katherine A  50 bk & fr, 100 IM

Vishal  50 bk & fr, 100 br

Madison 50 fly, 100 fr & bk

Lily  100 bk, 50, 100 & 200 fr, 100 br

Sevanna 50 & 100 bk, 100 & 200 IM, 100 & 200 fr

Way to Go SOLO!