Team Unify
For your convenience, we register our athletes and teams online and accept credit card payments with Visa, Visa debit card, Mastercard, and Mastercard debit card, as well as electronic checks. Our online registration partner is through Team Unify.
Personal information provided in the registration process is used to administer SOLO Aquatics team activities only. SOLO Aquatics does not publish, provide, or sell personal information to third parties, with the exception of medical emergency information as authorized during the registration process. Our online registration partner, Team Unify, and payment processing system are also committed to privacy with all registration information and payment processing.
Team Unify information collection and transactions are safe and secure. All personal information that you provide when you register with Process Pink is stored securely in their database. Your information is not shared with anyone other than SOLO Aquatics.
Credit Card Information
Most organizations and events have a registration fee. Your credit card information is sent along as part of an SSL encrypted transaction to the credit card processing company.