Additional Family Credit (AFC)

ADDITIONAL FAMILY CREDIT (AFC): The AFC is NOT MANDATORY AND IS STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. AFC is earned via credit through purchases of Scrip (gift cards), securing team sponsorship sales, or participating in other AFC events. Additionally, AFC can be earned by officiating at RAYS hosted meets of $25 per session. AFC credit/rebate will be posted to a family's account as it is earned monthly through July 20th, 2023. Our Swim-a-thon and Texas-Holdem' events are not applied to AFC. If a check is returned due to insufficient funds, you will be charged for any expenses incurred by the team in addition to a $50 returned check fee.

Every family is limited to earnings up to $500 in AFC credit/rebate. Excess credit/rebate over $500 will revert back to the RAYS, as a donation to the RAYS scholarship fund. Excess credit to a family's team account may not result in a refund of monies previously paid and a family may not delay a payment due in anticipation of future AFC credit/rebate. When a family leaves the team any excess funds in the family's team account, gained via AFC, will revert to the RAYS.

What is MANNA/Scrip

What is MANNA/Scrip?  MANNA/Scrip involves the purchase of Gift Cards at face value(such as Food Lion, Giant, Kohl’s, Home Depot, hotels, & restaurants) whereby the RAYS receives between 2% and 20% of the face value of the Gift Card (discount comes from bulk buying).   The amount of the credit back goes towards your AFC.  For example Food Lion and Giant both have a 4% return, therefore if you purchase $100 of Giant Gift cards; $4 is credited towards your account.  If you purchase $500 a month in either Giant or Food Lion Gift cards in the next 10 months you will earn $200 as AFC.

How to buy MANNA/Scrip?  All gift cards, including Food Lion & Giant, can only be ordered on-line from United Scrip ( ).  On-line gift cards are shipped directly to you for a small shipping fee that you pay.  There are also several options available for e-Gift certificates.


For Returning Families, if you forgot your user account it should be your email address that you receive your RAYS emails to. If you forgot your password, just select "Forgot my password on the log in page of and they will email your password.


New families will need to create an account the first time you log on. Just select "New User" from the main page of The RAYS Group ID is:  540898RAST



PO Box 866 Stafford, VA 22555-0866 • (540) 207-0846