Swim Meet Sign-Up Procedures:

► Sign into the RAYS website – www.swimrays.org – using your family login.
► Upcoming meets are listed by clicking the "Meets" button at the top of the page; also under the "Swim Meet" tab near the bottom of the page – click into the meet.  You may also access swim meets through the "Calendar" button and navigating to the date of the meet.
  Click on the name of the meet you wish to enter.
► Next, click into the pink box that says "Edit Commitment" for the meet you want to enter, at that time your swimmer's name will appear.  You must enter each swimmer’s name individually.
► Once the name appears, click on the drop down box under "*Declaration"
  It gives you a choice "yes" or "no".  If you wish to enter the meet click "yes". If you do not wish to enter the meet, please click "no"
► Click on your response for each meet listed. If you can only do certain days of the meet, or must leave early, please indicate that in the "notes" section under the commitment box. If you do not notate the days you would like to attend, your child will be entered in all days. Do not ask questions here, just supply information. All questions should be addressed with your lead coach in a separate email.
  Please click on the "Save Changes" box in the lower right hand corner when you are done.
► Your child is now entered in this meet.

Other Important Information regarding meets:

► Your age for competition is determined by your age as of the first day of the meet. If you have a birthday on the second day of the meet start, you can swim in the age group prior to the meet start. Please, always read the meet announcement in its entirety before asking questions.
► Each meet has a brief explanation associated with it when you click on the actual meet listed; please review the explanation for each meet because most meets have a different format, depending on the meet host. We try to explain this with as much detail possible (ie. time classifications for qualification) about each meet. The meet announcements will have detailed information for each meet and will be posted when they become available. All meet announcements have a similar format to them, but the content of the invite changes according to the level of meet, and the facility/team hosting the meet. Each meet invite must be read due to these changes in format and content.
► Some meets will have the 12 & unders in the AM session, and some meets will have them in the PM session. Other meets will have 13 & overs in the AM session, and some in the PM session. Once the meet invite is posted, it is possible to change your commitment, or add a note, prior to the RAYS entry deadline.
► We will send out a “First Edition” of entries the day after our entry deadline.  Please check them over; any changes must go through Coach Anthony Pedersen - c[email protected] Once changes are made, the “Second Edition” of entries will be sent out, again, check them over.  If changes are necessary, please  email Coach Anthony.  Then we will send out a “FINALIZED” set of entries.  All commitments, changes, etc, MUST occur prior to the “FINALIZED” set of entries. Once the meet has closed, we cannot make changes and your account will be charged accordingly for your meet entries.
► The coaches will decide who will swim relays prior to the meet entry being submitted to the host team. If you cannot swim a relay on a given day (you can find that on the meet announcement under the list of events), indicate that in the "notes" section. If you are chosen to swim a relay, and you cannot participate, and you did not indicate that in the "note" section for the meet, and the relay has no substitute on the day of the meet, you will be charged for the entire relay fee. Please think this through when signing up.
► As always, the coaching staff will choose the swimmer's events according to the level of meet, the things being worked on in practice, and the time of the season in which the meet occurs. Any and all questions should be addressed with your lead coach for your child's swim group.


• PO Box 866 Stafford, VA 22555-0866 • (540) 207-0846