Wisconsin Swimming


Video Instructions 

1.  Ask coaches for event recommendations (stroke, distance)

2.  Follow link from email or click on Events tab

3.  Click on Event name to see details

4.  Select "Edit Commitment"

5.  Choose "No" or "Yes, will attend" 

6.  In notes, indicate if you are ok for relays and which days

7.  Locate events and choose checkbox to select event

8.  When complete, save changes

9.  You may make changes to the event selection until the event deadline.  To make a change, select the swimmer name and edit the selection(s).

Note:  Open events are available for all, but often times there are no age groups after 12 years of age so all swimmers over 12 (unless they have a 13-14 age group) will be swimming the open events.  If your swimmer has age group events those should take a preference over the open events.

There are no refunds for meet fees once they have been submitted to the meet host.  Meet fees are paid by PASC at the time of the event deadline and charged to family accounts during monthly invoicing.