ORCAS BegninnersDevelopmental team. Develops skills that will lead to competitive swimming.  Swimmer must be able to swim 25 yards unassisted freestyle and back stroke demonstrate blowing bubbles with rotary breathing. Learn all four strokes.  Focus is on balance, breath control, streamlines, kicks, starts and turns.  Introduce training concepts. Two Practices per week.

ORCAS Advanced:  Entry level competitive team.  Expand and further develop swimming techniques in all 4 strokes, establish necessary competitive swimming components such as streamlining, flip turns, open turns, racing starts, relay starts, pace clock, and the team concept.  Begin to develop an endurance training base.  60% technique, 40 % training.  500-1500 yards per practice.  Two to three practices per week recommended.  Both groups are 1 hour long each session.