Swim Meet Frequently Asked Questions
It is important for a swimmers family to sign their swimmer up for meets that they are able to attend! Our meet sign ups serve as an RSVP for swimmers to attend. Once a swimmer is registered, the coaches will then enter them into appropriate events. Below is a quick video that will help you navigate the swim meet sign up process on our website. Written Directions are listed below the video link!
VIDEO LINK: https://app.screencastify.com/v3/watch/dxDK0OZAXebCaxOmbl1u
"Click the NAME of the meet/event you would like to sign up for to view start time and other important information
- Click Edit Commitment to sign your swimmer up for a meet/event
- If the swimmer is NOT attending, select No and then Save Changes.
- If the swimmer is attending, select Yes and the sessions in which the swimmer would like to participate in. Leave a note with any extra important information. Click Save Changes to save.
All swimmers have been entered into their EVENTS (stroke/distance to compete in) by their coaches based on things they have been working on in practices. After the SCRATCH SHEET (Attendance) is handed in, the Computer Operators organize everyone into HEATS (groupings) and LANES. Swimmers will be grouped with other swimmers with similar times. Swimmers who have never swum an event before have been given a made-up time that is an estimation of what the coach thinks they may be able to do. Coaches will help swimmers find their heat and lanes and prepare them for their races. When a swimmer is not racing, they will be on our team bleacher cheering for their teammates and socializing with their teammates.
Parents/spectators will sit on the opposite side of the pool deck from the swimmers in the spectator area. There will be HEAT SHEETS (Paper organizing swimmers into heats and lanes) posted and available for parents to look at. Some meets have heat sheets for purchase. Parents and Spectators can also download and use the MeetMobile App that we will upload events and results to throughout the meet. We will post results on the pool deck for you to see how your swimmer placed and what their time is.
AT THIS LINK HERE is an old heat sheet that is marked to show you where to find all the important information that comes on a heat sheet! Use it to help practice using a heat sheet before your swimmer's big day.