How do I register someone who is brand new to USA Swimming?
- Make a parent account at
- Log in to parent account
- Navigate to your club's Online Member Registration link. If you have not received your club's registration link, please reach out to Coach Alexandra by text (850.257.1119).
- At the top of the registration page, you'll see a section for Renewals. Scroll down past the Renewals section until you get to the Create New Memberships section. The box on the right is for new members. Click "Add a New Member."
- On the next page, you will be asked who the membership is for. If you are registering your child, click the top box. If you are registering yourself, click the bottom box.
- You will now proceed through the registration forms.
- On the first form labeled About Member, make sure you are filling in the information for the person who the membership is for. If you are registering your child, this will be their info. If you are registering yourself, this will be your info.
- On the Contact form, be sure to fill in the information of the member's main contact. If you are registering your child, fill in your own information and select Parent (or other applicable title) in the 'Relationship to Member' dropdown box.
- The Membership form is where you will select which membership(s) you are going to purchase for the person who is being registered. If you are unsure which membership(s) you need, please reach out to your club.
- Complete the Ethnicity and Gender forms by selecting the ethnicity and competition category for the person who is being registered.
- Click the red "No" toggle buttons to change them to "Yes" for each of the legal acknowledgements. Enter your signature.
- You will now see a Member Summary with all of the information you have entered. Please review the information to make sure it is correct. To register a second member, click the blue "Add Another Member" button. To complete the registration for just the single member you've entered information for, click "Check Out."
- You will be taken to your Shopping Cart. Review the items, and click "Check Out" in the bottom right corner. Enter your payment information and click "Pay" to complete your registration purchase.
How do I, as a Parent, create a login for my child?
Parents are able to create a login for their children through the family portal. The following steps will guide you through that process.
1. Parents would first need to log into their personal account.
2. Once logged in, you will be taken to your dashboard where you will be able to see your family members to the right.
3. If your child is not currently linked to your account, you will need to click on the icon to add a family member.
4. Once you have clicked the icon to add a family member, you will need to make sure you have your family Member's ID to enter into the following Member Id Box:
*Please note: If you do not have the Member ID for the family member, please reach out to your club for that information.
5. Once the family member is linked, they will appear in the "My Family" section, as seen above in step 2.
6. The next step will be to create a login for your child who is between the age of 8-17. The child will need to have their own email account to create their USA Swimming account.
7. To create an account, you (the parent) will need to click on the "View" button next to the child's name in the "My Family" section.
8. From the child's dashboard, you will need to click on the "Create a Login Account" button.
9. This will log you (the parent) out of your account and take you to the "Create A Login" page.
10. Your child will need to check their email account for their Ping One verification email. They will need to copy and paste the verification code into the box on the "Verification" page.
11. The child will then need to log in to their account.
12. Your child will then be taken to their dashboard.
13. Your child now has their own account. You can log them out and log back into your (the parent) account.
14. When you log in to the parent account, you will see your child in the "My Family" section as seen in step 2. When you click the "View" button their dashboard will show that you have created a login
15. Should you need to remove a family member from your family, you would just click the "Remove from 'My Family'" button.