The U.S. Center for Safe Sport which oversees all sexual misconduct reports in all Olympic sports is requiring that we implement a mandatory Minor Abuse Prevention Policy to take effect on June 23, 2019.

What does this mean for your Adult Athlete Members and your club now?

  • Athletes who are 18 currently or as they turn 18, need to take the Athlete Protection Program: ADP TRAINING LINK

MAAPP Policy and Documents:


APT Requirement for Adult Athletes

MAAPP Acknowledgement & Permission Forms

Acknowledgement of Policy

Permission for a licensed massage therapist or other certified professional or healthcare provider to treat a minor athlete

Permission for an unrelated adult athlete to share the same lodging with a minor athlete

Permission for an unrelated applicable adult to provide local transportation to minor athlete

Permission for an unrelated applicable adult to travel to competition with minor athlete


For questions about MAAPP please contact Michael Fronczek at [email protected]