Swim Practice Questions:

What strokes do my swimmers need to know to be competitive?

Swimmers will need to learn and know the four main strokes to compete in swimming:

  1. Freestyle

  2. Backstroke

  3. Breaststroke

  4. Butterfly


How do I know which training group is right for my swimmer?

New swimmers should attend a one-week free trial during which the coaches will assess each swimmer's skill level and assign him/her to a particular training group. Returning swimmers should register to their current training group unless instructed differently by their coaches. Coaches will always make the final group placement decisions. For a coach-to-parent discussion of your swimmer’s needs, please contact the coach by email.


When and where are practices for my swimmer?

Please refer to the locations tab to view practice times and locations for all training groups.


Can I stay at the pool and watch my swimmer’s practice?

Yes, a parent can stay at the pool to watch practice. For all parents, we ask that you remain seated in the spectator area to watch your swimmer’s practice. We respectfully request that you do not interfere with the practice session. Please do not engage in conversation with the coaches during practice unless it is an emergency.


How will I know about sudden and long term practice changes?

If the practice schedule is going to change at the last minute, we will send out a Band notification as soon as the decision is made. 

Sometimes changes will be made to the schedule for a short period of time, ranging from a few days to a couple of weeks. When this occurs, swimmers will be notified at practice, and a notification will be sent out as far in advance as possible.

If practice times are going to change permanently, swimmers will be notified at practice, a Band notification will be sent, and the practice calendar on the website will be adjusted to reflect the changes. 


What is expected from our swimmers during practice?

Swimmers are expected to demonstrate respectful behavior toward other swimmers and coaches at all times. We also expect all swimmers to respect the pool, the equipment, and the facility. Finally, we expect our swimmers to understand the Arkansas Racers Team Code of Conduct and USA Swimming’s Code of Conduct.


How many times per week would you like to see my swimmer at practice?

The number of practices your swimmer should attend depends on the group in which your child participates. Please look at the Group Descriptions to see the recommended number of practices for your swimmer.​