Intro to Competitive Swimming

Georgina Rapids Aquatic Club offers a wide range of swimming opportunities to grow and support swimmers who are excited and want to build swim skills through competitive swim training structure.  The club offers pre-competitive, competitive, adult masters, and open adapted pre-competitive programs that begin as young as 5 years old to 16+ adult masters.

Pre-Competitive - Rapids Swim Academy 

Geared towards children between the ages of 5 and 11 years old only; swimmers learn the fundamental swim skills needed to enter our Competitive swim programs. Skill development include proper body position and orientation, proper kicking and sculling techniques. Swimmers will learn the basic drills for the four competitive swim strokes in a fun way (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly).  This program provides the foundation into the Competitive program.

Refer to the "Pre-competitive" menu for more information and registration.

Competitive Division - Development and Age Group

Geared towards swimmers between the ages of 7 and 16 with previous competitive swim experience.

Competitive swimmers work to develop their fitness levels (i.e., strength, speed, stamina) and to master all four Olympic competitive swim strokes with competency. Development swimmers learn starts, turns and training preparation for the rules to attend swim meets.  Age Group swimmers further aim to progress towards Regional Championship and Provincial standard qualifying times and attend swim meets throughout the season.

Swim season runs from September to June.  Placement by coach, prior AG level competitive training with alternative club or Tryout for placement is required.

Refer to the "Competitive" menu for more details and Sign up for Tryouts.

Masters Division

The Masters Division is an adult program geared towards swimmers 18 years of age or older, who are interested in improving their physical fitness by participating in swim workout training sessions.

Swimmers can progress their swimming skills, techniques and participate in sanctioned Swim Ontario Masters swim meets throughout the year. This program is also perfect for those who also wish to improve their swim endurance in preparation for triathlons or open water swimming during the off-season.

Refer to the "Master" menu for more details