Registration Information 

Welcome -

New members between 5-11 years old with minimal swimming skills (Lifesaving Society - Preschool 3 to Swimmer 3 levels), can register directly for the Pre-Competitive - Rapids Swim Academy program.  Refer to the "Pre-Competitive" option from the "Program" dropdown menu for more information and to Register.

Those that have passed Lifesaving Society Swimmer 4 and beyond and can swim at least a minimum of 25-50m can sign up for a Try-out, to determine Competitive Group placement.  

At the Try-it our coaches will have the attendees demonstrate their skills with the 3 competitive strokes - freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and diving to assess their skill level, capacity and trainability in order to assign placement. Our adminitrator will also confirm schedule, cost, equipment requirements and can assist with registration if interested to proceed.  Sign up for a Tryout here.


NEXT TRYOUT DATE:  Saturday June 15th, 2024 - 8-8:45am at the MURC


* for those that have prior competive swim training already, please contact us directly at [email protected] to review best fit with our Head Coach.


TRYOUT Registration

To Sign up for a Tryout, click on the "Add to Cart" button for the time splot desired.    

Registration will prompt you to create an account and set up payment for processing at the end of the check out.  Please note there is no cost to the tryout and the cart total will indicate zero dollars.