Greenhill School Natatorium
Practice is hosted at this location every Saturday for select training groups. There is seating for parents to watch practice, or drop-off and pick-up is available
Preston Pool (Preston/635)
Practice is hosted at this location during the week for select training groups. There is seating for parents to watch practice, or drop-off and pick-up is available
Dallas LA Fitness (Lovers/Greenville)
Practice is hosted at this location Sunday through Saturday. There is limited seating so we suggest that athletes are dropped off 5-10min prior to start of practice, and picked up at the conclusion.
Plano LA Fitness (George Bush/Coit)
Practice is hosted at this location Monday through Friday. There is limited seating so we suggest that athletes are dropped off 5-10min prior to start of practice, and picked up at the conclusion
Dallas LA Fitness (Walnut Hill/Skillman)
Practice is hosted at this location Monday through Saturday. There is limited seating so we suggest that athletes are dropped off 5-10min prior to start of practice, and picked up at the conclusion