Fast Fins Elite Swim Team

Weekly Updates

Cody Lavoie
Good Afternoon!

Few weekly updates - 

If you are receiving this email, your swimmer is active for the 2023-2024 swim season starting August 20th. We are a year-round program so following our summer break July 30-Aug 20, your swimmers time slots will remain the same to start new season. You can check your swimmers enrollment on the team app under the calendar section! If your swimmer was recently on hold for summer plans, they have been placed back in their scheduled practices. 

If you would like to add any additional weekly workouts in the new season please reach out ASAP! Billing will resume on August 20th with a pro-rate amount followed by regular billing cycle on the 1st of each month! Don’t forget we offer a free month of swim team for every referral! We are close to 100% capacity this upcoming season because of a great amount of referrals, THANK YOU! We continue with our promise of keeping the lowest and best training ratios out of all swim teams in Texas! This allows us to keep a very personal approach to training and guarantee improvements!

Awards party is scheduled for July 31st, deadline to RSVP has now passed. I will reach out to each family to confirm how many people will be attending and provide final details. 

Our June 2024 Olympic Trials Training Trip deadline is approaching! More details have been added to the event file on team app. You must RSVP through the app! Open to all swimmers in Grey, Blue and Black training groups. This will include watching the 2024 Olympic Trials at Lucas Oil Stadium and training with the team in Indianapolis!

Three more weeks left of training before summer break! Look forward to celebrating with everyone at the awards party July 31st

Have a great week!
Coach Cody Lavoie