Fast Fins Elite Swim Team

Weekly Updates

Cody Lavoie
Good Evening!

We are headed into our final week of the 2022-2023 swim team season and we have a few important updates!

If you are signed up for the Time Trial tomorrow, please arrive at 9:15am at Greenhill School! There will be no Sunday practices because of the competition. 

We are headed into the final week of practices. The final day will be Friday July 28th. There will be no 5:30am morning practice on Tuesday or Thursday this week, and no Plano Thursday evening practices. If this affects your swimmers practice schedule and you would like to come to a different workout, please let me know!

The end of season awards party is Monday July 31st. Please arrive to Dave&Busters between 5:00- 5:15pm. 

There will be NO scheduled workouts from July 29 - August 20th. If your swimmer was on hold for the summer and/or you are receiving this email, your schedule is active again starting in the new season! You can check your swimmers enrolment through the team app on the calendar!

You can also see the upcoming seasons swim meet schedule (more will be added when we get started with new season) and start saving the dates and sending in RSVP. 

Just one month to RSVP to next summers Olympic Trials Summer Training Trip in Indianapolis. You can find more details on the events section in the app! Final details and costs will be finalized when we get our official headcount after the deadline passes. 

Thanks for a great season, we are excited for our last couple events and already looking forward to the fun things we have planned in new season! The team is close to 100% capacity thanks to all the referrals, we appreciate all of you!!

Have a great weekend!

Coach Cody Lavoie