Fast Fins Elite Swim Team

Saturday 5/4 Practice

Cody Lavoie
Good Morning!

Sorry for the late notice, just received message from Greenhill that the pool will be closed tomorrow due to an event. We will have some practice adjustments tomorrow to accommodate -

If you normally practice in the 10a-12p time slot at Greenhill, your practice will move to 12-1:30p at the Preston/635 pool tomorrow. Address is 13130 Preston Rd. 

If you normally practice in the 12-1p time slot at Greenhill, your practice will move to 10:30-11:30a at the Walnut/Skillman LAfitness tomorrow. 

Time trial will still continue as scheduled on Sunday at Greenhill. All other Saturday practices will continue as normally scheduled at their other locations. 

Thank you! Sorry again for late notice 

Coach Cody Lavoie