Fundraising and Nonprofit Status

Los Altos Mountain View Aquatic Club is a 501(c)(3) organization. The nonprofit tax ID  is 94-2676096.

Team fees and the revenue from the two annual club-hosted swim meets do not fully cover all the expenses for the team.  Each year, LAMVAC holds additional events to meet the financial needs of our team.  All members are expected to assist with fundraising events.


Team Sponsorship

LAMVAC looks to local businesses for sponsorship.  Some of the possibilities is through matching sponsorship programs and donations for community service. If your company has a matching program, please consider having the company sponsor LAMVAC. Many companies also offer donations for service hours. If you are a business owner, consider having your business sponsoring LAMVAC to show your support to the community at the two annual meets LAMVAC hosts. Please contact a board member for more information.


Once a year, LAMVAC holds a Swim-A-Thon.  Each swimmer collects pledges for laps swum (or for a set donation).  Prizes go to swimmers who raise the most funds.


Please sign up with eScrip to help contributions to the club. Group name: Los Altos Mountain View Aquatics Club, eScrip Group ID 150919048.

Fundraiser Family Dinners

From time to time, the team meets at restaurants that offer a percentage of the receipts to the team.  Fliers are sent to all members.  This is a great way to help the team, get dinner and meet other members.

Hot Cocoa Fund

In the colder months from November to February, LAMVAC parents sell hot drinks to swimmers (and other parents). Bring some pocket change and support the team.

Other Fundraising?

If you have other ideas for fundraising, please see a board member.  The team appreciates new ideas!