Swimmer Rules

Attending practice on a regular basis is crucial to improving swimming performance. Follow the attendance guidelines outlined below, and you can maximize your potential. 

1.   Be on time.

Swimmers may arrive 15 minutes before the start of their workout to get ready. It is especially important to arrive on time, so you can complete the assigned warm-up. A proper warm-up gives your muscles a chance to get ready for the harder work to come.

2.   Listen to and watch your coach.

Give the coach your full attention so that you understand what is expected. The better you attend to what the coach is demonstrating, the faster your progress will be. Socializing while the coach is speaking is not acceptable; you miss valuable information and distract others.

3.   Attend practice consistently.

Coaches are often asked what a swimmer can do to make the most improvement. Regular attendance is the key. Talk to your coach and set an attendance goal for yourself. The more you attend practice, the better you’ll swim.

4.   Remember your equipment.

You should always have a cap and goggles. Goggles can keep the chemicals out of your eyes and allow you to see much better. Caps help to hold your goggles in place, keep your hair out of the way and keep you much warmer when the weather is cold. If your group is using fins, bring them. It’s a good idea to keep a spare cap and goggles in your swim bag.

5.   Respect your teammates.

Swimmers need to treat each other with respect and consideration. Put-downs are not acceptable. If you have a conflict you cannot resolve, talk to your coach. Swimmers who do not treat others with respect may be asked to leave the pool. Further incidents might result in a suspension from the club.

6.   Bring your best attitude to swimming each day.

Swimming is a great way to pull yourself out of a funk after a rotten day at school. If you’ve had a bad day try to put it aside, and focus on your workout. Soon you’ll be feeling better.

7.   Do not compare yourself to the other swimmers.

Everyone is different.  Concentrate on giving 100 percent to your own workout, and don’t worry about what others are doing.

8.   Pick up your equipment after practice.

Gather all your equipment and put it away before you head to the showers. If you borrowed equipment from the pool, put it back in the right place.

9.   No horseplay in the locker rooms!

Using the locker room is a privilege that you may lose if you are too noisy, destructive or inconsiderate of others. Fighting (including water fights), running, screaming and throwing objects are not allowed. No food is allowed in the locker rooms or on deck.