Advanced Tadpole to Piranha Transition/Registration


LAMVAC coaches believe that your swimmer has achieved the skills needed to move from the Advanced Tadpole troup to the Piranha group, the first swim team level.


Please see the Piranha schedule at Eagle Park and Foothill college pools.


LAMVAC coaches recommend that Piranhas swim two to four times each week.



The cost of the new level is a bit different from what you were used to in Tadpoles. You can choose between monthly and quarterly billing (Sep. 1, Dec. 1, March 1, or June 1) through the registration process. In addition to the ongoing team fees, the club requires an Annual Membership Fee of $150 (prorated to $85 if your transition occurs after February). If your swimmer swims even one day of the month or quarter, you will owe for the entire period; the club does not prorate. Additionally, before March 1, there is a required $150 family donation that can be fulfilled during the annual swimathon.


Volunteer hours

In addition to the monetary commitment, parents of Piranha families must volunteer 20 hours per swim year (to be completed by August). LAMVAC prorates that to 10 hours if the swimmer’s transition takes place after February. If you already have other swim team members, your volunteer hours remain the same—at 20 hours per family—and the $150 family donation has been paid (the donation is per family, not per swimmer).


Time off

As was the case for Tadpoles, the club requires you to send an email to [email protected] 15 days in advance of your next billing date, if your child will take off a full month or more.  The club will suspend your membership and charge a $10 per month suspension fee, until you activate your swimmer’s membership. While the account is suspended, you are still responsible for volunteer hours and family donations.





Register here.


Coaches will automatically move your child up to the next level for practice, but the club needs you to complete the online registration to establish your billing and have you officially acknowledge your understanding of the changes noted above. Once you have completed registration, your swimmer will receive a team T-shirt and swim cap from the coach as a welcome to LAMVAC.




  • At the checkout page, do NOT choose the $73 USA Swimming registration fee; you have already paid this fee for the Tadpole program.
  • Registrations must be approved before you can see the activity in your Team Unify account.  This can take up to 48 hours after payment is received.


Questions?  Contact LAMVAC membership at [email protected]