LAMVAC Swimwear

Justin Wang

Hello all,


I hope you are all having a great month as yet. It has recently come to our attention that some people may not be aware of competition suit guidelines and do not possess swimwear that is race-legal. Below I have attached LAMVAC’s new mandatory swimwear regulations. 


Any swimsuit that has sleeves/ or any rash guard/wetsuit is banned. As this suit degrades stroke quality and can be dangerous. 


Additionally, in accordance with USA swimming regulations, any suits that “extend above the navel [or] below the knees” for boys and “cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, [or] extend below the knee” for girls are illegal. 


Further, all suits with zippers such as water polo suits are banned for racing and are highly discouraged during practice. 


The new regulation will be effective on Monday, April 24th. Before then, coaches will notify parents and swimmers if their suits are not in accordance with these new regulations. 


If you have any questions regarding these regulations, please ask one of our coaches or read the below link for more information.




Coach Justin