Go to, click sign in and enter your email address and password if you have already created your own account (deck pass). If you have not created an account, please follow the directions at this point to creating an account and sign in to USA Swimming.

Once signed in (always use the same username and password so that all of your information can be linked to the same account), hover your mouse over member resources, find the officials section and then click on "testing and certification".

Click on "online officials test" on left hand side. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "choose a test to start".

Next to start test, select (in no particular order, all of the following tests must be completed):

certification - clerk of course
certification - starter
certification - stroke and turn/timer
certification - timer
certification - administrative
certification - timing judge

Take the tests which you must pass each one with a score of 80% or better.

Passing results are automatically emailed to the LSC Officials Chair.