Safe Sport is a USA Swimming program that keeps our athletes safe from abuse and misconduct from other swimmers, other minors and adults. EAC embraces this program so that our athletes can feel comfortable in their enviroment while they develop skills to increase confidence and competitiveness and instill a lifelong love of swimming. These are strict guidlenines that our club must adhere to, whether you are a USA swimmer, CPAL swimmer, coach, or parent. Here are EAC's guidelines, links and EAC agreements for Safe Sport.

EAC Guidelines for reporting incidents:

1. All Sexual Abuse, Verbal Abuse Concerns:

2. Criminal Charges, Physical or Emotional Misconduct, USA Swimming Code of Conduct Violations, Violations of USA Swimming Safe Sport Policies including USA Swimming's Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy:

3. For all other issues dealing with: Peer-to-Peer Bullying, Adult-to-Athlete Bullying, Parent Issues/Parent Complaints, Violations of team rules and team code of conduct and Violations of the team policies including the team's Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy:

Any questions or concerns, please contact EAC Safe Sport Coordinator,  Joshua Peters at [email protected] or Head Coach Isaac Greene at [email protected]


Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP)

Annual EAC MAAPP Agreement

EAC Local Travel Agreement

EAC Travel to Competition Agreement

EAC Lodging Agreement

Best Practices Guidelines

Parents Code of Conduct

Coaches Code of Conduct

Athlete Code of Conduct

EAC non-athlete members