Ways to Support DDAC


Ongoing Opportunities


Fred Meyer Community Rewards 

If you have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card, link it to David Douglas Aquatics Club and help raise funds for our Club at no additional cost to you. In addition to still keeping your personal Fred Meyer Rewards, Fred Meyer will also donate to the charity of your choice. Learn more here.


Bottle Drop Give

Did you know you can help raise money for David Douglas Aquatics Club by recycling your bottles and cans without any extra cost to you? The BLUE bottle drop bags are available at the front desk so stop by and pick one up. 


New to Bottle Drop? It's easy! Fill up the BLUE bag with empty Oregon deposit containers (whole cans only, nothing crushed). If you include a lot of glass, makes sure it is not more than 20lbs. When full, cinch the bag completely closed and tie it securely. There is a square white sticker already on the bag that labels it as part of the DDAC fundraiser. It can also be used to open the drop box door when you scan it. Drop the bag off at any Bottle Drop Center or Bottle Drop Express. You can search here for the location closest to you.

Seasonal Opportunities


Please feel free to email [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. Here's to achieving sweet success together!


Do you have friends and family members who would like to support our swimmers? Then encourage them to sign up for any of the above opportunities too! 

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Thank you for supporting DDAC!