Pacific Swimming

Welcome to the newly launched Northern Nevada Aquatics "Parent Portal". On a regular basis, this site will be updated to include information relevant to supporting your athlete in the sport of swimming. Just like parenting, swimming embraces the mantra, "The days seem long but the years go fast." With this in mind, we look forward to providing key information to help you understand the:

  • benefits of aquatics,
  • rigors of training,
  • value of a child's Best Effort, and
  • a perspective that supports the long road

Thank you for your patience as we roll this information out.

Our first post is the USA Swimming Code of Conduct. The Code outlines the behavioral expectations of Swimmers, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers and Parents. While much of it is a common sense collection of guidelines, it is important to note that they are in reference to a youth sports activity. This seems to have been lost in modern day athletics with the tales of misbehavior and poor choices by children and adults alike. NNA is rooted in the belief that to achieve a community that supports aquatics, we must build a program that supports the community. The only way to achieve this is to first start with our team and then the aquatics community. With that said, we embrace the Code of Conduct and ask that you review at your convenience.

2018 USA Swimming Code of Conduct