On Friday, December 15, 2023, our Head Coach delivered our Team's wish-well poster to Irlanda's mom, along with other gifts .

On Friday, December 8, 2023, the Piranhas had an all-swimmers meeting for a heartwarming cause - to create a wish-well poster for one of our Pre-Senior Swimmers. Our children put in a genuine effort to ensure that the Team's Art Project looks lovely and conveys our love and support to Irlanda. 

Our Head Coach is almost done with the final touch-ups, and we hope to give our poster to Irlanda this Friday (December 15, 2023).

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On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the Piranhas led the Pledge of Allegiance Ceremony at Rohnert Park City Council. 

We are very proud of our swimmers and want to share the photos that capture a memorable moment with all of you!

Community Voice Reporter Robert Grant wrote an article (titled "A Special Moment For The Team") about us and made sure that the photo of our Team was published. We wholeheartedly thank him for covering the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony led by the Piranha Swimming and reminding our local community about our competitive swimming Team with a beautiful history and promising future.

Here is a link to the article: Community Voice Article

P.S. Dear parents, if you want us to email you these photos, please contact Viktoriya at [email protected].