Woodcreek Aquatics

Water Polo • Swim • Dive

Communication on SportsYou App

Heather Ostrom

SportsYou Mobile App


Once there is a designated Water Polo team set-up for SportsYou. Once teams are established, we'll create sub-groups for both the boys and girls varsity and JV squads. (Aug)


Once there is a designated Swim team set-up for SportsYou. Once teams are established, we'll create sub-groups for both the boys and girls varsity and JV squads. (Jan or Feb)


The app will be used for updates and volunteer opportunities.

Parents AND athletes can be on the app.

The Coaches are NOT on this app, parents and athletes only. 

Do not use the "messaging" portal on the app as we have noticed there are no "notifications" on the app.
Your communication may be missed.

For the main code and sub-group code - please email / text your Team Parent. For privacy reason and keeping invites to intended parties, we cannot post the group codes here.

ALL team parent, board members, and Coaches - their contact info is under "Contact Our Team" on the website.

Be sure to join our Facebook WAC group and follow along on Instagram.


Find the App Here

Apple App Store

Google App store