How to Enter a Swimmer in a Meet/Event

1. Log into your Team Unify website account.

2. Click on the words "Meets/Events", located in the row of menu tabs.

3. You will continue to the Meets/Events  page.  Find the title of the meet in which you wish to enter your swimmer.

4. Click on the meet title (in blue). You will continue to the meet page.  The meet page will list all the information pertaining to the meet: date, location, arrival time, etc.. 

5. To enter the meet, click on the pink "Attend/Decline" button.  You will continue to a page that will allow you to select the athlete's name whom you are entering in the meet. 

6. Click on the athlete's name. You will continue to a page to commit "YES" or "NO" to participating in the meet. 

7. Be sure to click "Save" at the bottom right corner of the page. 

8. Repeat for all swimmers.

9. Changes in commitment may be made until the sign-in deadline.  Select the pink “Edit Commitment” button.  If changes need to be made after the deadline, please contact Coach James and a Team Rep ASAP.